Hardware e Software design

Take advantage to get unified software and hardware design: less risks and more performance
  • logic4motion Kit

    Support for L4M motor control kit based on Xilinx Zinq

    logic4motion Kit
  • Firmware design

    Firmware development for microcontroller or DSP, real time application with or without operative system

    Firmware design
  • HLS – High Level synthesis

    Development of HLS project and IP. HLS Xilinx is the ideal solution to take advantage of both HW power and easier, higher-level development methodology of C, compared to HDL description languages.

    HLS – High Level synthesis
  • Hardware design

    Developing of hardware design by schematic and selection of components. Directive for layout realization and debug and test of prototype.

    Hardware design
  • Software design

    Development of Windows software interfaces for parametrization or monitoring , communicating with Ethernet, USB, CAN, RS485

    Software design
  • Motor Control

    Great experience in development of FOC motor control, with PMSM, IPM or other motor types.

    Motor Control
  • FPGA design services

    FPGA development VHDL or schematic based for several application: digital filtering, communication, high speed LVDS serializer and deserializer, image processing, soft processor (microblaze), DDR interface.  Project development on SOC Xilinx Zynq, development of Vivado IP. Communication between PL and PS.

    FPGA design services